Please help in making a SearchBar for DataViewerList

I have added some error control.
Appreciate if you can try and let me know the outcome

Search DateViewerList with Error Control

Run the project from both the Web Live Test and from the mobile Live Test to see if there is any difference.


Is that a data viewer list or a a list viewer that you are using? It looks like a list viewer to me.

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If he is using my project then it’s a data viewer list.

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Still not work. :sob:

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  • Open the project
  • Select Data Viewer List component in the screen
  • Make sure the Data Source in the property list is ViewList.

Your Data Source is pointing to MasterList instead


The screen you captured can only happen if MasterList is selected as Data Source.

but why does the viewlist only have Title and I’ve tried it, and it doesn’t work

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Great. This is a positive progress.

Now that the Airtable table is correctly bound to the Data Viewer List can you also make sure that the field “NamesList” is linked to “Title” in the property list of the Data Viewer List.

This should fix it


the problem is that your ViewList doesn’t have any content, so what it produces is like what I screenshot

Does anyone have any helpful ideas or things?

ViewList isn’t supposed to have any content, it gets dynamically updated at run-time, see here:

@muneer’s example works fine for me (thanks for sharing!)


So can you please give me a project that you said worked?

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All you need to do is to use one of the projects I shared ( the D&D or the Legacy) they both work.

As for the problem of not showing the result just open the project and make sure the data source is ViewList and the data binding of Title is NamesList.

It should work fine.

Happy Thunking

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ok, I will try your project again

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now I know how it works, thank you very much @muneer
your project is work. :grinning:

but the problem now is that I want the app to be opened for the first time, the MasterList is displayed, and after the Textinput is filled in, then it switches to ViewList

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You can do that in two different ways.

  • use two data viewer lists one for the master list and one for view list. When the app starts the master list is shown and the view list is hidden. Once the user types anything then make the master list hidden and show the view list.

  • use the same as the project available now but add codes in the screen start / open to copy all what is in the master list to the view list and this will show all available data at first.


I have a question.

When I tried doing a live test, it doesn’t show all the names I have in the database
I followed the blocks exactly but of course I made minor changes such as changing the table

How do I settle this?

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It would be very difficult to suggest anything without seeing your block codes or your project.

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here you go.

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Is your Data Viewer List in the screen connected to Table as Data Source and the Data Binding to NameList?

Also, I noticed in some mobile devices you need to use the refresh block to show all the list.

Why this blocks are not working? Are there any problem you are thinking that?
Or any new simple blocks for search with data viewer list in Airtable. (If i create two column works only in table; but if table has 5-6 column not working i really don’t understand) If i use create own table in thunkable it is working but with list viewer.

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It would be rather simpler and you will get better response by creating your own post instead of adding to a post where the last entry was a year ago.