Partner Collaboration

How can I add collaborators to a project so a partner and I can work on the same project on different devices?

Welcome to the community! :wave:
Would you like to work on a Thunkable project together or a project in your Thunkable app together?

Unfortunately, you can’t simultaneously edit the same project unless you have Team license which currently costs $500/month: Pricing.

But you can share login details* with another person and communicate so that you don’t overlap editing times.

*You may want to check if this violates the terms of service. I’m not sure and I don’t work for Thunkable.

$500/month is crazy! Just for people to work together? Thunkable really needs to get their pricing act together. I don’t think any average developer is willing to pay up-to $6,000 a year just to collaborate with each other.

The startup I work for pays ~13x that for the nocode platform we’re built upon. That pricing is intended for agencies or funded businesses. Not for apps that aren’t funded or currently making good revenue.

For some apps, 500/month is nothing. Many apps are just a companion for a web based fuller version of a product.

50 customers * 10/month & Now you can work simultaneously to churn out more features on a team to acquire more customers.

It’s also not a feature intended for hobbyists, for sure.

Now, traditionally it’s much cheaper to run ci/cd but you’re paying for the price of speed/convenience with this pricing model.

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