OpenAI ChatGPT Now Available in Thunkable with Our New Integration

By the way, each prompt is a stand alone. Has anyone figured out how to create a conversation (without summarizing and including into the next prompt)?

Yes, my app does that (Chat AI & Image Generator (aka Synthi)). You’ll need to store the response in a variable and then join that to the next prompt the user gives.

Thanks… was afraid that would be the answer :wink:

hello,I have a problem with my app every time the result is coming “undefined”.What should I do?

When you post on the forums, please include a screenshot of the blocks you are using or a link to your project.

Here is the Screenshot sir,

That’s pretty straightforward. It sounds like either the ChatGPT API is not working properly (unlikely since I’m using it in a project and it’s working for me) or the Text Completion block is faulty. Sorry I can’t be much help!

how should I give the CHATGPT API?
If the Text Completion block is faulty then what steps should I follow?

The block that Thunkable provides is really easy – when it works. Are you providing your own OpenAI key as shown here? OpenAI ChatGPT Now Available in Thunkable with Our New Integration - #11 by ubai.salih

Using the API is quite complicated. I consider APIs an advanced use of Thunkable and the ChatGPT API is especially difficult to configure. But if you want to use it, you would read the OpenAI API documentation and find a sample Curl command. Run the Curl command in the Postman app to make sure it works. Then, you can try to set up blocks to call that API in Thunkable.

Expect to spend at least a few hours getting it working.

The “undefined” error message can occur is you have used up all of your free credits in OpenAI.

Do the credits have expire date?

Yes. See this: What happens after I use my free tokens or the 3-months is up in the free trial? | OpenAI Help Center