Nested List "Insert/ Remove" Behave abnormally

Recently I have been developing a huge project that involves using array-ish data. However, since thunkable do not offer class or array, the only workaround is to store each “field” as a separate variable.

Additionally, as my data is a four-layer structure (for i.e. Type-Trait-Where-Candidate, “The Popularity, among white people, Texas, Ted Cruz”), I manage to find out that thunkable can support multi-layer list, so that in each # of list, aside from number or texts, a “list” can be stored as well.

Reading data has no problem for me, but today I find out that:

  1. When I’m removing or inserting data from the third layer or further, the list cannot delete that specific point, but rather proceed to delete everything behind it.

To visualize, when I try to modify “The Popularity, among white people” and I refer # 35, which is Texas, the list instead deletes everything behind Texas (#36-50).

I have checked the whole app (it is 6000+blocks now) and there seems not to be an issue of:

  1. async block causing reference number to fluctuate
  2. any loop that may have caused the reference number to fluctuate

So I made and experiment, attempting to make a label show a “list in list”:
In normal case, a “number” will be shown as: 36
a list as : {23, 14, 14, 36}
but when it comes to 2 dimensional list, it appears that because thunkable uses the same spilter for first layer and second layer (that is: 23, 14, 14, 36, 23, 14, 14, 36), so the latter half of list, which is supposed to be the #2 of the top layer, is now considered part of a “fake eight component list”. So, when I reference to delete #1 of top layer, it treats the numbers behind it as part of #1 instead of a separate #2.

I know this is a rather abstract post and thunkable isn’t ultilized for nested variable. However, since a fix is fairly easy to picture for me (assign different default spilter for each layer), I am kindly asking anyone whom may concern to look into this matter. Thanks!

It’s almost impossible to troubleshoot a problem without seeing your blocks.

You’ve provided a lot of detail which is great but we have no idea how you’ve actually set things up.

@vincentking700 Could you please explain what you are trying to find in the list?
For example here is a list that has inside of it some other lists and using these blocks, I get the max that is 6