Need Help with a searching App

Greetings everyone!

I can’t seem to find any tutorials about this, and I’m desperately trying to find help.

I run a podcast that has stand alone episodes, and they connect to other episodes in the series.
I want the episodes to be searched, and information come up. While inside the episode, you can do another episode search and “secrets” will be revealed.
For example, you would click “episodes” and it takes you to a search screen. You search “episode 1” and it takes you to a small bio of episode 1. While in that bio, you can search “episode 2” and more information comes up, connecting the two episodes.
There will be a notes tab that keeps track of all this information.

I desperately need help.

Hey @antrod, welcome to the Thunkable Community!

Use this link to access the tutorial on how to make a search bar!

Hope this helps!


Thank you so much!

How would you go about connecting this to an account? Is it easier than I’m thinking? Completely new to Thunkable.

Im using Firebase for accounts and such, and also keeping track of episodes.

hi @antrod, could you please explain in more depth of what you mean by ‘connecting this to an account’? Thanks. Hope I can be of more use.


So the app is setup that you can login, search up an episode, and add it to your notes. So I’m going to use that tutorial to create the search bar, but will it work for individual accounts?

have you created a firebase account and linked it to your thunkable project yet? if not, use this link

hope this helps!
good luck with your project and looking forward to see it!

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Hey! So I did create a Firebase account, set it up with Thunkable, and even made it to where you can login!

Hi @antrod!
So this has been done, is there any additional related problems that you need to issue?

There will be. I know I’ll need some explaining in a little bit. I need to learn how to organize a data sheet, so that certain accounts can read it?

I’ll put in more detail the struggle once I get to that point. Next step is making a search bar.

Can I leave this discussion open to ask more questions when I need it? You’ve been a huge help!

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hi @antrod, if you will have another unrelated issue, please create a new topic.

To organize a data sheet, you will have to create a local table, airtable or a google sheets table. Then organize it to however you feel it should be. If you need some more help with data sources, be sure to check this out: Data Sources | Thunkable Docs

Glad to be of use and hope I can help more! Happy Thunking!

So it seems all the tutorials are out of date?

I can’t get any of them to work. I’m trying to get the search bar to read the Data Sheet. I have that part done, but it doesn’t seem to be working.

I’m trying to tell Thunkable, if what you search doesn’t match anything on the data sheet, give an error. If it does match an ID on the data sheet, navigate or “do something”.

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you want a search bar for a data viewer list? check out my discussion. Had lots of problems with it but you can try to make it perfect. the search bar did show up with the correct results but ended up showing multiple of the same entries.

if thats not what you’re looking for then notify me please. Would love to be of use!!

I got it! My God!

Here, for anyone wondering. You might need to tweek it to your needs, but this is the best tutorial, and I now have it working.

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hey @antrod, thanks for the tutorial, you will sure be help to those who are in need! Glad you did it and happy thunking!

Good luck with your project! If you have additional issues relating to this please notify me here!

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