My first app : JUST HIT

Finally i’m on line!
From zero to JUST HIT, easy app but a big goal for me ! This app was the test area for my Thunkable’s study :slight_smile:
Give my your feedback to improve my app. Thanks!

Ps I forgot to add english version of the notice before the game but it will show one time, there are the same details in settings/about games :sweat_smile:


No feedback for me ? :tired_face: thanks to India for some downloads

Hola me gustó la interfaz grafica, pero pienso que hay algun error con los tiempos o quieres que los jugadores respondan muy rapido? en mi telefono tengo que responder en menos de 2 segundos a cada prueba


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Thanks to try my app. Yes, you have 3 seconds to answer or you lose time and points. I was too bad? Are you sure it take less than 2 seconds? Which device you have. gracias por tu disponibilidad :grin::wave:

Privacy policy button went a little behind the admob component !!

And your set high scores are too high and I tryed…failed ! :wink:

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Thank you very much to try my app :+1: Can I ask you a pic of policy button ? Did you sign up before play? I don’t see your name in the list . Thanks again.
Ps your device? Thanks