My app reached 10k people!

The app is only in Spanish but it would help a lot to qualify it with 5 stars
I love thunkableeee


Nice work @NDL_Oficial,

Don’t forget to apply for the 1k downloads badge!!


Thank you so much

Pay attention to your ratings/reviews. Half of them are 1 star. That is telling you that you may have lots of downloads but people is uninstalling your app right after installing it because is not what they expect.


Hi, look at the reviews, all the reviews were added to the application.

No tenes ningun review. Solo ratings. Y la mitad son de una estrella. Por eso te digo, tenelo en cuenta y mejorá tu app.
10000 downloads es bueno, pero es mejor tener a los usuarios felices para que tu app tenga un buen score. Si yo veo que una app tiene 3 estrellas ni siquiera me molesto en bajarla. Y muchos hacen lo mismo.

your thought is fine but I try to solve everything there are 6,786 active users who do not think the same as you

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If you are not able to pick some criticism and some advice, why even post your app?
Just look at your ratings. I just downloaded your app, and honestly, doesn’t do anything useful.

ella hace mĂşltiples funciones, intenta resolver todo, pero yo soy uno con 10,000 y le pido que no me falte el respeto porque no lo hice. ÂżOKAY?

Do not be jealous, I repeat, there are more than 6,000 active users who do not think the same as you.

Tampoco te falte el respeto. Solo te digo lo que me parece tu app, y con respeto. Si quieres solamente oir felicitaciones, entonces solo muestrale tu app a tu familia y ya.

if I accept criticism because thanks to that is how you learn and if you disrespect me by saying that my application does not work after so much effort, I show it to the community to see that thunkable is a good platform for applications

No estoy celoso. Una de mis apps tiene mas de 23000 downloads y 4.4 rating.

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Congratulations !!!

Fine man. You take as “disrespect” when somebody try to give you an advice. Have it your way: Your app is great, is good. Keep having success.
Have a good day.

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An advice is to say that it does not work? I think not