Multiple rows from Airtable to Listview

Is there any way send data from multiple row from Airtable to 1 Listview?


You assemble a list based o your airtable gets.

Create a blank list. Then with each get from airtable, use this block

That allows you to assemble a list. When it is done use that list in Listview

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OMG!!! Don’t play with me, I’ve been trying to figure this out for weeks.

So example if I wanted to see this :


and go down the row I could in a list view?

Can you send me an example?

Show me your blocks for the airtable gets please.

I will show you where to insert and create a list

It is very simple. All you do is create a list, and use that list for listviewer.

I am very new to thunkable


Here is an example of what I want in a view based off certain filter of the airtable spreadsheet

Here are the row from my spreadsheet

I do not understand.

You asked for multiple rows, and you only show one row. The row you show has none of the content in the image.

correct I want to show image and text continuously in one listview

This is frustrating. You keep showing one row, yet you say you want multiple rows. Can you please explain clearly in a complete story.

I’m sorry to fustrate you, I am wanting to show mutliple rows from airtable in a listview show like this as an example:

each picture with a name is actually another row in my spreadsheet.

Each row is Name; Picture in one row, and you want to display that together in a list view?

Correct and I am using thunkable X.

Is there anyway to do this? Is it possible?

I am not an expert in X, however there are a few examples and projects you might be able to remix in X to play around with.

This doc is really good as well.

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Thank you so so much!!!

Did you get the solution ? Im also want to view my list from airtable as a viewcard

Custom ListViewer


Omg thank you so much !

Do you know if the listview can be clicked and can link to somewhere ?

You can click on the list and perform any action you need (within the functionality of Thunkable X)