Mobile Web App doesn't take up whole screen

I published my app as a mobile web app just to test out some things and why does it look like this? Why is it not filling out the entire screen? Will it look like this when I publish it to the app store as well?

Hello @jake-cohen
Do you use Layout?

what do you mean? like the layout component? if so, yes I use the layout component in some areas in some screens.

Hi @jake-cohen
Thank you for sharing more information

To make the Layout component cover the entire screen you will need to set the width 375px x 667px height and resize mode to stretch.

i know that but that is not my problem. the screen, as shown in the picture doesn’t take up the whole screen. it is not related to layouts because there are only in small areas and some screens don’t even have layouts and they don’t take up the whole screen

Hello @jake-cohen
I think the issue is maybe related to the “Notch Area”.

You can remove the Area if you set the property " Ignore Notch Area" to true on the app settings before you publish an update:
image - 2024-09-03T133223.986

Doesn’t work

Could you please share the specific project URL with us so we can investigate it further?

You could copy it from the top of your browser.

This way we could find the best solution for you.

I cannot share it publicly. Can I share it with u via discord?

Hello @jake-cohen
You can send it to me as a personal message here:

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