Mobile version of app requires extra step that is not on media test version

I am creating an app and part of it is for the app to take repeated photographs every 5 seconds. When I test using the the test media button on my pc it works fine, but when I try to use the app on my iphone there is a second step that I did not create. The app version on my phone has “take photo” button but them it also has “use photo” (not something that I programmed). So now on the mobile version of my app it just takes repeated photos without actually “using” them because the “use photo” button is not pressed automatically.

Can anyone help please

Without seeing your project or at least screenshots of your blocks, I have no idea how to help you. Can you share those?

These are the screenshots from my laptop when I use the web preview and the camera from my laptop. 1st screen has button: Click to Take Photo", when that is clicked my app displays the photo taken and recognizes the product.

On the mobile version there is an extra step which I did not create:

The app again has a button which says: “Click to Take Photo” once this is clicked I get a second screen at the bottom right of which says: “Use Photo”

I did not program this second step in my app, it is a function of the mobile phone, is there a way to avoid this second step?
The reason is that I want my app to function in a way that when I press the first button: “click to take photo” I want it to take 5 consecutive photos, and submit them, the app to analyze them, without having to go through the extra step of clicking “use photo”
Is there a way that this can be achieved?

The take photo feature is used with the native OS of the device you are using. In the case of iOS and Android, it will always require the user to take and select the photo or retake it. There is no way around this.

Thank you for letting me know. Is there a way to code that once the “select photo” prompt appears on the iOS that is it selected automatically, without physically touching the screen?

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