Missing "Is a Number?"

The “Is a number?” feature that existed in the MIT version (App Intventor) really saved time (and resources) in my project. Miss that alot.

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This seems to work well:

Hi Tatian
Hmmm is this avilble in DnD? I cant find it - But im probably not llooking enough…
The one that existed before was a simple Q
“Is a number?” And the response was of course True or False…
But appreciate your help here - Could be used untill the other one is coming… And if i find it… :smiley:

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Simply add the data you want to check to a number. If the answer in NaN then the data you have in not a number.

Check this

This is the result

I changed the variable to 1a1 instead of 121

It gives this result

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Thank you Muneer
I do appreciate your efforts really… :smile:

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Yes, in DnD. The “is divisible by” block appears as the “is even” block in the Math drawer.

See this:

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