Memory Time During Working

Hello dears,
During my work on my app in the blocks screen, “Memory time is not enough. Please reload the page” this pops up during the work that cause losing my recent blocks.
I think it is issue with memory. This issue makes me lose my last app that is why I am building a new one and I do not want to lose it as well. Would you see it and solve it, please?
I am using lots of block, I know it is not good but my app needs to have many blocks in it.
Best regards!


If it’s not a secret, how much blocks do you use? I saw a project with a very large number of blocks, but there was another problem - the browser was working extremely slow with them that made working impossible.

You use lists for a large number of text blocks? My little research showed that a text block in Thunkable X can work with about 500 KB of data for further converting them to the list.


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Hello Alex,
I am working on app that each screen needs more than 5 lists and each list has more than 45 items.
I have procedures as well more than 100 and each one has six items.
Now I am trying to collapse them perhaps I get rid of memory issues.
Thanks a lot Alex!

Clear. If I need large lists, I do them in Excel, and then copy all the data and insert into one text box with dividers used to make lists. To manually attach a lot of text blocks to the list very tedious. As shown in the picture below, I never do.


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I will try to make my lists with one text box.
If I collapse the blocks and download the app, do they work well or have I to expand blocks before downloading?
If I make my list as in Excel with dividers, can I get the item as for instance:
In list “names” get # 5
How do you add a divider to all items in the Excel as one time?
I do appreciate your help Alex! You are really a good mate!
Thanks in advanced!

"If I collapse the blocks and download the app, do they work well or have I to expand blocks before downloading?"

I did not see a difference if the blocks are collapsed or expanded after downloading

"If I make my list as in Excel with dividers, can I get the item as for instance:
In list “names” get # 5"

Suppose, for example, in Excel the data is 4 rows and 3 columns. To work in Thunakble X to the right to add a column with delimited string, e.g. # (as you know \n is converted into whitespace, when inserting text in the text block). Now you can create your list as you like. Fields are separated by tabs and the rows by the symbol #

item 1 Peter 13 #
item 2 Victor 5 #
item 3 John 12 #
item 4 Vera 56 #

"How do you add a divider to all items in the Excel as one time?"

Neighboring horizontal cells separated by a tab character. To obtain this symbol copy the string in the text block, and then copy the blank space between phrases - this will be the tab character.

Replace the symbol tab and # with, and get a one-dimensional list:

item 1,Peter,13,item 2,Victor,5,item 3,John,12,item 4,Vera,56

To obtain the value of an Excel cell from a one-dimensional list, you must use offsets. How to get the value of the field 1-4 (column =1, row = 4)?

Index 1-4 = current row index * column count - (column count - cell column index) = 4 * 3 - (3-1) = 10


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I tried the list with divider and it works. Many thanks buddy!

My texts is about US presidents. These texts has summery of all presidents, for each one there is a long text.
What I am going to do is:
Set the delimiter as “|” because these long texts have “, . :” that’s why I use different delimiter to recognize the items in the list.
So it will be like this:
Set “Presidents” to Make list “Texts” With delimiter “|”
But the text will be very very long (It’s about 45 presidents and each one has more than 500 words.
Is it Ok with very long text?

My little research showed that a text block in Thunkable X can work with about 500 KB of text for further converting them to the list. This is approximately 250 pages of text in Word.

If the volume of the text exceeds the limits, then you can use the second text block. Unfortunately I do not know the amount of text limitation for the list and the text block.

Let’s make an approximate estimate of the volume of 45 * 500 * 10 = 225000. Suppose one symbol is 2 bytes. 450000. Theoretically, everything should fit in a single text field.

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At the end of that, you help me a lot. Many thanks Alex!
Now instead of many block I can use a few.
I get a solution buddy cos of you!
I like to see you building apps, you will do great!

Thank you for your feedback on my work!

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