Making better chat apps with the "Any Component" blocks

im having problem with the chat app im working on. Ive done all the steps that i was told on this video . but when i test it : i type in the text input and click send , the texts just dissapears and would not show it on the bubble in the output column. i reallyneed help.

Iā€™m Using it in my AI Chat App with the Layout component in DnD and itā€™s really good, It takes more Blocks than using a normal Data Viewer List, but itā€™s Worth it.

You have to set the Label Clone inside Block to the Output Column

ive done that, but the the label will not appear on the output column.
although , i didnt use a component with the exact name ā€œoutput columnā€. i just used the layout component and i named one input and the other output , did i do the right thing or i used the wrong component?

did you manage to get this working @fatimamakarfiqudkw ?