Making better chat apps with the "Any Component" blocks

Of course you can fine tune it and add features.

I made more changes but cosmetic only. Now the caption of the chat page shows the chat room name and the user name. Another change is that if the message is yours then it shows without name because you are the only one showing in the lift side. All others will show the message with the name.

I think it’s time to mark this post as SOLVED as the rest of the changes are improvements but the main issue of this post is now solved.


Yea,but unfortunately can’t do the SOLVED thing,and also am working on changing the current user’s chat to the Right side

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The caption will now notify other users when a new user comes in ,and another label to display number of users online…
These are other features am trying to include now…

Thanks to you @muneer you have been a blessing

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Oh, sorry, I thought you are the one started the topic from the way you are running after the solution. Now I see that @domhnallohanlon is the owner of this topic.

Good luck. These are the features I call cosmetics.



You are awesome

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@muneer How can I retrieve images from spreadsheet and display them one after the other in my app?
I’ve tried but not working out

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I believe this is not in the right post.

Please create your sperate post for this issue and give more information about it.

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@muneer there’s another issue with the chat, I’ve placed it under a bottom Tab Navigator

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I didn’t get you. What does this have to do with the chat?

Can you explain more and provide screenshot of what you did?

*there will be 2 Variables to Save Nickname and Passcode entered,*2 buttons to transit from one action to another.
When a User creates Nickname, at the click of the “PROCEED BUTTON” the Nickname input visible will be false-and the Passcode input will be visible true,
and at the click of the “ENTER BUTTON” If Passcode entered matches from the spreadsheet,they can then access the CHAT.
So the problem is after entering the nickname,it may some hours to get the Passcode to the user
So whenever the chat screen opens(if appVar-Nickname is not null)I want only the Passcode input and ENTER BUTTON to be visible true,and if the Passcode and Nickname (Variables are not null) the CHAT Should be accessible to them automatically when the screen opens,else they will have to start from scratch that’s creating a name first

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You are trying to build a verification and validation function for your users which has nothing to do with the chat.

I suggest you make a new post for this question as this validation can go with any project and not exactly bound to chat apps.


Ok then

Is this possible in drag and drop? Because i see you used clone with position to column which aren’t available in drag & drop. Could you provide any information on how to have the same thing done in drag & drop?

Hello @kkk2
The Clone Item Block is also available in drag and drop.
You will find it in the Blocks, under the category “Advanced” and then “Any Component”

I do know that.

I am saying that we dont have columns or rows as layout to set the clone position to as he used chat_output which is a column to set this cloned components to add in last.

we have to set x and y only.

that wont work out for a chat app.

if he might have a work around as he already made the layout and the whole app in drag & drop too, he could help me out with it too.


@muneer If you could please help. would be great!

the request

can you make video please