June 22, 2017, 1:31am
Hey Thunkers,
Thanks to so many in the community for material design templates and extensions @Mika @Taifun @Helios !
With your help, I finished a version of Instagram on Thunkable that I am proud to share.
Please feel free to learn from and remix into your own versions.
Make your own Instagram because you’re worth it
App source code
Happy thunking!
why only have 3 image on homescreen
Well. that’s so amazing! Great job! Will definitely use it.
it is just a sample. modify it
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Why haven’t you removed Firebase tokens? It could be a security issue
Great, which firebase updated tutorial do you recommend?
June 22, 2017, 8:38pm
@albert the app doesn’t seem to work properly for me, this is what shows:
1 Like
Server error: could not create app. Please try again later!
Supongo que habra que crearse un servidor personal para la aplicación, ¿Es correcto?
Put your firebase data that will work
For this I need to create another project in firebase?
it is possible to create publications automatically without having to create each of the publications?
March 27, 2018, 1:53pm
if more image is loaded will the app crash or not ?
How to add more images without setting the Block like when Firebase got value set Image1to get image
For this we have to add a Lakhs of photo components
How is it possible to do it?
have you solved it? I have the same problem. I have put my FIREBASE data and it still appears.
can you give me thunkable x version
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