[Advanced Sample App] Thunkablegram ✕ - More security + updated design including animation + fewer blocks

Hi Beta ✕ Thunkers,

You might be wondering what the most advanced apps that you might be able to build on Thunkable ✕ (beta) is.

First advanced sample app
Below is our first advanced sample app, updating our Thunkablegram app with more security powered by Firebase Sign In which lets you add authentication to your app, a more modern and precise design thanks to Lottie animation and advanced properties, and many fewer blocks especially on the main photo page.

Copy project source code

Getting started
To get started, you’ll have to create your own Firebase account and a new project. You’ll follow these instructions to enter your own API key and Firebase url.

Thunkablegram is our ad-free, auto-captioning, private version of Instagram

Happy Thunking,


a very good sample app!
it is better if the button can be set width and height~

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I just updated the button since we added height and width features. Check it out at the same click to remix link!

very good!by the way,How’s the barcode scanning function going?:grinning:

Hi @albert!
I really, really want to remix this project, but the link isn’t working for me. Could you please send it again? That would be great.

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yes please share the link again @albert