Make a timezone app

I want to make a timezoneapp.
Therefore I try to use the canvac object and insert there a worldmap.
But when I start my app on a phone I will never see the map.
Hope somebody can help me there.
Here my project:
kindly regards

When I Live Test it in Chrome on a Mac, I see the map:

When I Live Test it in Thunkable Live on my iPhone 11, the screen is blank and the map does not appear.

Your question is really about a sprite’s background picture not showing up on the stage. Technically, the problem has nothing to do with maps or timezones.

Here’s the weird thing:

I created a new screen and added a canvas and gave the sprite the same image as a background and now it shows up (Screen2) on my phone. I don’t see any difference between the screen, canvas or sprite properties. 🤷

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Thanks for the answer.
I notice when I select scrollable in screen the map will disappear.
I want to use a big map which I can move from left to right to see the map clear and then I want to touch any point on the map to get the local date and time.
Hope somebody can still help me how I can solve this.
kindly regards

I want ask again if someone can help me here again.
kindly regards

Check out this post. I think the problem is the height property.

I wonder if the Canvas component has the same problem as the Map component.

Happy Thunking!

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Thanks for your answer.
I find now possible settings for the map but how can I drag the map to the right and left so the map will stop on the right or left side.
When I drag the map to one side it will jump always back to the middle.
hope someone can help me here again.
Here my project link: Thunkable
kindly regards

u did nthing

Thanks for the answer.
I don’t know what you mean.
I have changed the settings and now I will see the map on my screen when I start the app.
But how can I scroll the map to the right or left side?
Kindly regards