Login with Google V2

Done :thumbsup:

Sorry for the delay :sweat:


No problem.:slight_smile:

Where is the new file? ı cant find it

I haven’t uploaded it :sweat_smile:

But just change these lines:

          echo $id."<br>";
          echo $name."<br>";
          echo $birthday."<br>";
          echo $email."<br>";
          echo $profile_image_url."<br>";
          echo $cover_image_url."<br>";
          echo $profile_url."<br>";
          echo $aboutMe."<br>";
          echo $nickname."<br>";
          echo $tagline."<br>";
          echo $braggingRights."<br>";

into these:

          echo "<title>";
          echo $id."<br>";
          echo $name."<br>";
          echo $birthday."<br>";
          echo $email."<br>";
          echo $profile_image_url."<br>";
          echo $cover_image_url."<br>";
          echo $profile_url."<br>";
          echo $aboutMe."<br>";
          echo $nickname."<br>";
          echo $tagline."<br>";
          echo $braggingRights."<br>";
          echo "</title>";

          echo $id."<br>";
          echo $name."<br>";
          echo $birthday."<br>";
          echo $email."<br>";
          echo $profile_image_url."<br>";
          echo $cover_image_url."<br>";
          echo $profile_url."<br>";
          echo $aboutMe."<br>";
          echo $nickname."<br>";
          echo $tagline."<br>";
          echo $braggingRights."<br>";

Which file i need edit

Anyone have upload any App with this Extension to Google Play?


1 Like


This app isn’t in GPlay
However, you can download it on the first post

I was asking because i tried to put one App with the V1 of this extension and it didnt got published. Then i upload the same App but i removed the extension and it got Published. I dont know if the extension was the problem.

Thanks for code,ı use this code

echo "<title>";
          echo $id.",";
          echo $name.",";
          echo $birthday."";
          echo $email.",";
          echo $profile_image_url.",";
          echo $cover_image_url.",";
          echo $profile_url.",";
          echo $nickname.",";
          echo "</title>";

And List from csv row and its work.I dont use aboutMe and some unnecessary infos

  echo $aboutMe.",";

Its broke csv from row operation

Here my aboutMe text.I think html codes broke it
<a href="http://droidim.com" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">droidim.com</a>

If your app is rejected for Google Play they will email you to let you know which criterion/criteria you failed to meet.

Check your emails to see what the objected to.

I downloaded zip and changed client id secret … to my own values.And uploaded it to my website.

I have Oauth error do you know how to fix it

Try clearing app data and cache

Thanks its fixes problem for thunkable live.I need do this for packaged apps? OR when i need do it.I will release update with google login and ı dont want user see this errors

Just when the error occurs ask users to clear cache :wink:

I need clear app cache or ı need just clear webview cache?

İf ı need clear app cache user need donwload again other files.Its not good

I think with WebView cache must be enough

By the error, I see that Google OAuth token is expired…

No its not work

Now its give me same error.I try Clear Web view and WebViewerDialog cache but its not fixes problem

I testing it with Thunkable live

Can anyone help? because I am using the google login of sir Barreeeiroo but can I save to my firebase database who login in that form? Like their email use to login? Thank you!

So this should solve the problem of login using Google credentials into a website like http://www.feedly.com

I am new to the OAuth protocol and how it works. If you did this so far, you are understanding the nitty gritty of OAuth protocol.

So how can I use the information that I will get from your php script. Perhaps the google id should be added in the feedly url ? But how?

Please consider an example how to use the user’s Google info in login into a site that uses login using google.
This will help a lot of people using your extension…
