Local file data storage


Does anyone know a workaround for saving data to a local file?
Thank you very much!!!


This is currently not possible, but I already made a feature request for that. You could add more reasons why you need that feature to convince the Thunkable developers of your point

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I need it because there are many people who don’t want to share personal information or upload it to the cloud, so I need to guarantee that the information that they provide will remain into their mobile phones.

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What kind of data are you trying to save? Will Local Storage not work?

You can more securely store information using our Sign In component powered by Firebase that creates separate buckets for users.

There’s some more info in this post

I’ll use it for now.
But I think sometimes it would be very useful to have access to local storage of data. For example, if there isn’t a data connection available.
I also saw a problem:

  • Using the “Sign In Example”, if there’s an error saving the data, in the error message you show the user ID, so you may be giving ways to access to private data.

Thank you very much!