Live testing not responsive

Hi, Thunkable.
I’m a first-time designer trying to design an educational app. My biggest problem is that the live testing isn’t showing me what’s really happening in my code. I’m just trying to work out the layout, and I’m seeing different things in the browser live test and the mobile app. And none of them show what I think the code should be doing!
Relevant info: browser is the latest Chrome; mobile app is on an iPhone 8. I’m in China and mostly use a VPN.
Here’s an example of the anomalies I’m getting:

Neither of these views are right, and they’re both persistently different. Is there anything obvious that could be causing this?

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Oh You may not be able to set the row size to fill

Thank you! That was the problem. I set the labels to 99% width instead of “fill container” and now they show up properly.


Are you Chinese?

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I’m British, but I’ve lived in sunny Xiamen for nearly 20 years. It’s home, now!