Learn Admob basics - ad unit, ecpm, mediation, campaign, house ads, reports and more

If you are a beginner and never heard about admob before then, this video is surely for you.This video explains about every essential feature present in admob dashboard.Instead of spending lots of time to know the features of admob you can watch this 35 min video to get familiar with all of them.
In the below video concepts such as ecpm,mediation,admob report,creating a house ads campaign and more has been discussed.So, this video is a complete kit for beginners to start there admob journey without any hesitation.

Topics discussed in the video are as follows :

S.no          Time                             Title
  1.       1:40 - 4:40             Creating an admob account
  2.       5:33 - 7:35             Adding your app at admob
  3.       8:30 - 18:29          Creating an ad unit at admob
    3.1 9:53 - 10:50 What does Active user’s mean in admob
    3.2 10:52 - 12:35 Selection of Ad type - banner, interstitial or Rewarded
    3.3 12:50 - 18:29 Ad unit setting and ecpm floor
  4.      18:30 - 30:55         Customising the ads - which ads do you want to display
    4.1 19:06 - 20:30 Blocking controls - Block the ads that you don’t want to display
    4.2 21:04 - 22:36 Reports - Know the performance of your ads
    4.3 22:40 - 25:38 Mediation group - Use different ad networks and set the priority to get the maximum.
    4.4 26:00 - 30:55 Campaign’s and House ads - Display your ads with admob for free
  5.      31:30 - 33:40         Payments and settings

Finally some place to send all the admob beginners :sweat_smile:
Thank you so very much! :smile:

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