Lagging as too many labels

HI please help my problem
Just want to make appointment app design first , as you can see Thunkable

Not any blocks yet, but this design is for 10 people
X for 24 hours X each hour need 4 labels = so the page will be at least 960 labels and it start lagging every move and every move need spent 3 second to finished even I tried to use different browser still the same.

If use “create your own table” data source is the app able to offer for many users to use the app
not just myself ?


hi @stephenaimonas3w9 - I’d strongly recommend against creating 960 labels manually in a project, for a variety of reasons.

You probably only need 2 or 3 “prototype” labels and then the clone blocks can do all the heavy lifting for you and your app will be completely dynamic.

Do you have a design or mock-up of what this app should look like so we can advise you on the best next steps?

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Hi Thank you for reply,

As the picture is the appointment calendar I want to achieve and store in firebase can you give me advise for that tks.


@tatiana.berto.goncal Hi can you please quick look the problem please?

Hello @stephenaimonas3w9 :wave:,

Thank you for sharing more information.

I suggest you use Data Viewer List or Data Viewer Grid component.

Here is an example project

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