Labels are moved to the left on iOS Live App

Now I have another issue! All of my labels are moved over to the left by about 50 - 100 pixels in thunkable live IOS.

@cyberdriver I think that’s because you’re now on the latest version of the UI?


No. I was using the newest update and resized my components but after the lastest label fix, the labels are moved over on Thunkable live but not on the web preview.

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Can you share a screenshot or a project link please @cyberdriver - I’m not noticing this in any of my own projects



This is how it looks on the webviewer:

This is IOS Thunkable live app:

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@cyberdriver are you still seeing this in your project?

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@domhnallohanlon Yes. Only in Thunkable live app. When I build the project and download, I do not have the issue.

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Thanks @cyberdriver, moving this out to its own topic now since this is about the positioning of labels in Thunkable Live rather than the visibility of Labels in iOS.

I was actually using Android all day yesterday - what to I need to do to reproduce this? Just preview any project with a label on iOS?


Yeah @domhnallohanlon I’m have the issue with all my labels so yes. Put a label on the screen and pay attention to where it is because it will move to the left.

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@domhnallohanlon were you able to reproduce the issue?