It takes a long time to upload or retrieve images from Cloudinary

I am uploading images to Cloudinary so I can then save the link to those in my airtable. The upload has a very long lag. So long that I had to add a mesage on my screen telling the user or else they could think the screen was unresponsive. Is this normal? Or is there a way to fix that?

Here is my code for getting the picture and uploading it into Cloudinary:

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Can you use the image transformation service to decrease the size/quality of the photo so it can transmit quicker?

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yeah actually it take long time to upload to cloud,
but you can modify the url in Airtable with this formula to scale down the photo CONCATENATE({LEFT(url,49)},“c_scale,w_1024”,{RIGHT(url,37)})
the idea is scale the photo with new url
from url
to url,w_1024/v1587448993/zlz4jj2k0qhtiz4q7jnp.jpg

don’t need to you any service :slight_smile:


nice fix!

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How do I reduce the size of the image before uploading it into Cloudinary? Can you show me code?

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This I would like to know too. My iPhone 11 default camera quality takes pictures with a high file size. They take up to 10. Usually around 4-6 Seconds to send to cloudinary

I save the media url to airtable for fast recall

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I just implemented this in my public airtable example. it’s great. the uploading of photos is slow. but getting them back is a breeze!

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haha good to know,
it load faster and you can scale any size you want, just edit the url

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yes! awesome trick! thank you!!

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I don’t really get this?
Where do I enter the scaling text you’ve provided

You’re probably not going to get a response from a topic that is two years old but I can tell you that the url modification happens when you are retrieving the image from Cloudinary. So this does NOT help with reducing upload sizes but it does help with reducing download sizes from Cloudinary.