Issues using Thunkable on mobile RE: using advanced blocks / scrolling in blocks drawer

When i go to blocks and want to click to web api on the “+” it dont works. i tried it many times even with a touchpad app (i am on mobile) but still dont works. What to do?

  1. what device are you using cause even on an ipad/table, thunkables a little rough to use

  2. thunkable is intended for chrome or safari but it’s highly unlikely that it was designed to be used on a small mobile device such as a phone where the hit radius of a button is sure to overlap with another due to css properties at play a multitude of other issues.

  3. does that mean you shouldn’t try? of course not!

have you tried switching to landscape mode? I would. start there.

then try zooming in on the (+) button and clicking it when it’s zoomed in

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I have a tablet and use chrome and tried on lanscape too but still dont works. Btw i cant zoom in in the “+”. What now?

I would recommend a laptop or desktop. It’s really not feasible to develop in Thunkable on a tablet.

Just did some testing. I too dont see that button but the issues are large and outlined here:

the buttons to add items in the advanced blocks didnt appear
you can’t zoom in/out effectively
you can’t scroll in the blocks drawer
there were weird grey tabs next to tthe items in the advance blocks section

but i dont have a pc or laptop, is there another way?

Well, two long-time users of this product have told you it’s not going to work well on a tablet. So I’m not sure what else to say!

one time it worked i dont how but now i tried many times but nothing. And why would it only on pc works?

yess on phone it worked!!!

@fonsi88090ncla One of the main issues with using Thunkable on a touchscreen device such as a phone or a tablet is that most mobile browsers don’t support drag-and-drop–Safari, Chrome, etc. You may luck out every now and then and be able to use Thunkable on your mobile device with a bit of success.

Some users have found success using the Puffin browser on mobile and getting Thunkable to work.