Issue. Reload Screen automatically

I have a problem with my app when I export it as an apk that does not happend in the live option (thunkable app).
The installed apk export reload screen exactly every 5 minutes.

The problem with the restart is that my application connects to the hardware via BLE and when the app is restarted the Bluetooth connection is lost. Plus there is something more serious. The application puts the tablet’s CPU at 100% and becomes inoperative.

I thought it might be due to the BLE data reading timer (500ms), but this problem occurs even by raising this timer to 8 seconds. Or even if the application is not connected and therefore no timer is activated.

I have tried installing the apk on other devices and the same thing happens.

In this video you can see what happens.

Hello @robonautas.spiv2kr8
Our engineering team was able to identify the root cause and is working on a fix.

We’re committed to finding a resolution quickly, and we will keep you updated as soon as there is any progress.

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