I am excited to announce that my new app, eLibrarian, has just been released to the App Store and Google Play!
eLibrarian is an app that lets you see what all books you own!
eLibrarian lets you easily, add, store, view and edit what books you have. Now, you no longer have to comb through your house looking for a book and realizing you don’t have it!
You can easily add what books you own to your account through the “Add Books” page, your books are then sent to a secure server for storage.
You can easily view what books you own by going to the “My Books” page, there you can also edit and delete your books. Since your books are stored in a secured database, you can view them on any device.
You can easily edit and delete your books so that they can be just right for you.
We also have planned features for adding books by ISBN, searching and sorting!
Does your app include a barcode scanner? That seems like it would be really handy.
Edit: I just spent about half an hour and made a project that scans a barcode off of a book cover and uses the scanned ISBN to pull up the cover image and title from the Google Books API. It’s all pretty straightforward.
I just wanted to announce that yesterday I updated my app and you can now add books by scanning its ISBN barcode! I also made some improvements to the text boxes to make them look nicer.