I always use API endpoints so I’ve never had to work with a php script for that. I think it’s possible based on searching the forums but I don’t have experience with it.
Thanks for the response, but I’m still stumped. I realised as well that I had not set the URL for the API. Once I did this however, I get nothing at all for the response and the status and error are undefined.
I added the header and put it as both fields Accept and Content-Type with text/json and application json but no dice.
If it worked on Postman try adding Postman’s default headers except host, user agent and connection. Replace * / * with application/json.Still, add a Content-Type header. Replace the value of Accept-Encoding each time to gzip, deflate,br
@vishruth-ram Thanks. I tried that but no difference. I had forgotten to mention as well that the error shows as - “Failed to fetch data. Please test on a device or contact support.”.
For me one time it works on Postman on one time it gives a response like you got in thunkable. It’s the problem with the API link, not the server. The same happened to Postwoman. ( It tried it with a different API )
@vishruth-ram I did what you suggested and it didn’t until it did! I then started taking bits out to see where it would fail and ended up with the Content-Type as application/json as the only header in the script and Accept application/json in Thunkable.