In x version of thunkable i am not able to scroll up or down web page which i added in it . website Page just get freezed after opening it

i am talking about that freezze problem. is that solve with your above method. i use app on playstore

Yes. On my Android 7.1 emulator, I see a freeze scrolling the page in WebViewer. The page in WebViewer is displayed when scrollEnabled = true or scrollEnabled = false, but in both cases, when the mouse is drastically moved, only the page content is shifted by a few pixels. In such circumstances, I recommend using an external browser that is opened with the “open link” block.

thanks my problem has been resolved for moment rest when thunkable update then i will update that too.

One more thing how to create pop up.

when user closing my app


are you sure to exit

yes or no ?

this pop up how to create that ?

Thunkable X does not have an close event handler for app.

thanks for your help.

Please tell me now i am working on app.thunkable

i want that when someone click button admob add play after that link open of that button . how to do that?

Try asking this question in the

sure …thanks again