Hey there guys,
Does anyone know if anytime soon there will be other method for in-app purchasing other than Stripe?
Hey there guys,
Does anyone know if anytime soon there will be other method for in-app purchasing other than Stripe?
We are not currently working on anything - if there is something in specific you would like to see, please let us know.
Well, I don´t know any other specific platforms, but I am working from Mexico and even though Stripe accepts payments from Mexico, it doesn´t allow to activate your account from Mexico (eg. mexican bank account). So I was just wondering if any other partner would come up eventually.
Maybe other payment platforms that support more countries than stripe:
2Checkout" https://www.2checkout.com/developers
Why not add more SDKs to develop more app ideas:
Aviary" https://developers.aviary.com/
Add background notifications connected to Firebase to send notifications even if the app is closed
And most importantly, all this features must work for Thunkable Classic!
And thanks for asking!
Thanks for the suggestions!