User payments and subscription

Is there a timeline on when you think in-app purchase will be available or if it’s ever going to be available? Do you have any suggestions on workaround for now to get payment/subscription from users?

I just need some type of certainty so I can plan and decide if I can go ahead on using Thunkable for my next project.


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I second this question!

The best workaround I have found is to custom code one yourself with the Stripe API:

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Hey Darren! You’re videos got me started on thunkable. Thanks so much! Keep it up!

I’ll check out that API.

hi Darren, great tutorials. Any chance you have instructions on how to do this. Either video or text is fine.
I work in a sort of niche market and have an app idea that i believe with solve some issues for a lot of people. And I believe that after a trial period, they would pay a nominal fee per month to use the service the app will provide. Can’t seem to find definitive answers on starting a subscription after a trial period within the app.

Sorry edit. I was talking about the stripe api.
