Images, icons, labels, text-input,... in the application when installed on the different type of phones are distorted or misaligned

When I install the app on older Android devices with original screen sizes, or running emulators, the graphics are in the correct position, but when I install the app on newer Android phones with longer screen sizes, the position is off. I wonder if anyone else has encountered the same problem as me and if there is a way to solve this.
I look forward to receiving suggestions on how to solve this problem.
Thank you everyone.

Are you using Layouts?

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I’m not

Do you have any solutions for this problem?

@apptestcvalst6av You could use the Layout component that will adapt to the device width/height if the width of the Layout width is 375px, the height 667px, the Resize Mode to "Stretch"and the size of the components inside the layout to “fit contents”.

Let us know if you have any other questions going forward!


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@matt_conroy But the elements in my screen are usually stacked on top of each other, with using layout I can’t stack them on top of each other. Is there any other solution?

Are the stacked components all viewed at the same time? Or are they viewed at separate times?

All viewed at the same time.

I would first put them into groups. Once you group them, give it a try and send some screenshots if it doesn’t work

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Hi, sorry I just now have time to test, research and give you feedback. I tried the way you instructed but it seems that a Group cannot be placed in a Layout.