Hi, how can I display multible object each with an image and a text in it?
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This sounds like our Data Viewer Grid component. I would look at the documentation first to see how to use these.
Yes. But I coudnt get it to work with local stored list
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So that are my blocks.
- I get text + img from the user
- The img and the text are made into an object
- The object is added to a list(stored local )
And now I want do display all the objects in this list on a other screen.
Thank you for the fast reply and I hope you understand my Problem.
@matt_conroy is right. You should use a Data Viewer. You would need to add the image url and the text to a data source row to display it.
There is no built-in way to display a list of objects.
It’s possible to do this with cloned components instead but if you are new to Thunkable or to programming in general, I don’t recommend starting with that advanced feature. It’s quite difficult.