Does anyone see anything inherently wrong with my blocks?
In the blocks ‘if history j not equal to null’ there are a few that don’t exist at all in Firebase, but I’m not sure why it’s not just simply excluding them for me and going onto the next object.
I don’t think Firebase can store null values. So your list should just cycle through the available nodes in /!Jobs. What does your Firebase database look like? What happens if you remove the if block and just add items to the list for every item/node?
In your code, the loop is constructed of a list of object properties and therefore you will never come across a property named null. This is why, with this IF condition, you are trying to catch an impossible case.
Only Get DB is initialised to null. Search List remains as a list.
hmmm firebase apparently is true that it cannot store null values.
It’s been resolved by me, because the same happened for me. so that try typing some “random text” in them. we can just replace the variables with a simple block.
depended, if you won’t believe me see the data
Your only other source of possible crash is the app variable Temp Search by, if this key does not exist in the dataset then you will be attempting to add a null entry in your Search List which would crash the app.
I’m sorry, my comments must have confused you. I was referring to Get DB as the variable in your blocks. I didn’t mean to change from cloud to get block. The cloud variable is just fine.
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