I was rejected for ad-mob approval

I sent an approval request to thunkable for the app launch 2 days ago.However, we can’t review how advertisements are used in the app because it doesn’t seem to implement or display AdMob components.That’s what I got.

I don’t know what it means.

What should I do to get approval?

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Okay, I modified it. Can you give me some advice?

I’m so sad… I’m going crazy. I was expecting to release an app that I made while having a hard time sleeping for months, but I was denied approval… It’s so sad… I want to know the answer… I couldn’t sleep because I was so excited about the email, but I can’t believe this email turned me down. How can I solve this problem?

Sorry to hear that it’s not working. I don’t know anything about admob so I’m afraid I can’t help.

Hey @qortmd3592st :wave:

I’m the one that denied the app but I sent but I don’t see that you’ve followed up to gather more information. Feel free to troubleshoot the email here or you can always follow up those emails and ask for more info.

I believe the issue was that I couldn’t find your interstitial or rewarded video ad blocks though our system registers that you have used the component. Even if you didn’t pull the block out and connect them, if you have the option to see the blocks, we register that you have the component added. This is how your ads drawer should look on each screen if you’re not going to use the block.

Screen Shot 2022-03-01 at 12.45.01 PM

That said, there’s a chance i missed how you implemented those blocks. Feel free to resubmit and send me a DM where i can find the components.

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I sent dm.

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