Hi I’m relatively new to thunkable and I wanted to know if someone would be willing to teach me some things about thunkable and how to use it. I would be willing to pay per hour. you can contact me at andymiller510@gmail.com or respond to my post but if I don’t respond here please email me
Hello mate,
There are many tutorials about Thunkable on YouTube. It is so easy to use, just learn the basic things then I am sure you can build a nice app.
I recommend Thunkable channel and Domhnall channel on YouTube and you can find more.
They speak English.
Remember, it is so very easy.
What @Hayder saId
The only skill you need to be good at Thunkable is the ability to think logically.
There is no need for you to pay someone to do a job you can learn also, all the tutorials on YouTube is free.
You is welcome to ask here on the forum and if no one answers, you is more than welcome to write a private message to me and then I will help you free of charge😊
To build a gallery you need to use web technologies (WebViewer component) and for direct message exchange - Firebase (component Realtime DB). To work with notifications in Thunkable X is impossible.