I need some guidance

I apologize all, I’ve been at this for way too long trying to get something that should be fairly simple to work.
I’m hoping someone can help me out.
This is my first time fooling with this platform, I came across it by chance, and I had a project idea in mind that I’ve been wanting to do anyway.
See the attached pics, this is where I’m at so far but it’s not working…
My Project - Thunkable

What it’s supposed to do :
User inputs 3 weights (Pans 1-3)
Those weights are added together giving you the total weight.
Then the weight of each pan is displayed as a percentage of the total weight.

I’ve actually created this calc with Excel but it would be cool if I could make a phone-friendly version :slight_smile:

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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This is the problem:

You’re setting an app variable called [value of app variable totalweight].* You generally should never put a variable inside of a set app variable block. Instead, use the set app variable totalweight block at the top of the Variables drawer. It may have a different variable name showing but you can change it once you drag the block over.

*So for example, if totalweight is 0, then you’re attempting to set app variable “0” but that variable doesn’t exist or rather you don’t reference it again later so it has no useful purpose!

One way to think about blocks in Thunkable is that every block – more or less – is a function that returns a value. So in the screenshot I posted above, the first thing Thunkable’s compiler will do is to evalute app variable totalweight. The second is to use that value as the variable name since you put it where a text string (" ") was in the set app variable block.

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