I need help with my app

I need help with that problem. When i try to open and test my app on thunkable live app i always see nothing on screen. Do u know what makes that issue?


Hi @dementtor414nos,

This is usually caused by the following conditions:

  • there is a navigator in your app
  • there are no screens in the navigator

Make sure to drop your Screens into your Navigator.
See this GIF:


Let me know if this isn’t relevant to your app!



Hi, @dementtor414nos! :wave:

If you could share a Shareable Link of your Project, it will be easy for us to understand your Problem :blush:

How should I generate a link?

Just copy and paste the URL of your Browser in Thunkable Tab -

Thanks! :blush:

@kartik14,your google theme looks like great XD


hi there , there are two causes one is the drawer navigator is not having screens in it or screens are in it but the first screen is not having any component.