I need help with a data pull bug

Hello, I have a weird problem that I don’t really understand the issue with.
When I create note in TakeANote_screen and move to NotePage, name and date are displayed properly but even though I got the same system working for the Note, it isn’t getting displayed. It is only after I restart the app, that it shows the Note that is retrieved from the google Sheets. So in short there is a problem where the some of the texts are retrieved but 1 is not. Here are all the pictures to the code and display, I would appreciate your help a lot.

Notes: 1) TakeANoteScreen has a Data Viewer List for making the colorful notes/pages. 2) Blocks are the same for Name, Date and Note but doesn’t work for Note (In the pictures). 3) Notes and pages are the same thing for now, the plus button asks you to pick but I haven’t implemented the functions yet. 4) It wont let me put more pictures but if you are not getting the problem I can explain.

Before The Restart:

After The Restart
Wont let me put more pictures but the text is there.



Hi ml.koca4ajvfb, welcome to Thunkable! :tada:

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Can you share just a screenshot of the blocks that are not working for you?