I hear sound on "Live Test" but not on my iPhone

Hello everyone!
I’ve tried to make an app for web radio listening and i can hear sound on Live Test. The problem is that i can’t hear nothing when “live testing” on my iPhone…what could be the problem?
I have an iPhone SE with IOS 13.3

(sorry for my english)

Hi, @emarctic4kj! :wave:
Welcome to Thunkable Community! :smiley_cat:

Please show us the blocks you have used, so we could help you better.



this is the web radio link


thank you!!

Hi, :wave:
Thanks for posting your blocks.

It seems that you have mis-arranged some blocks. Please refer to this guide on ‘sound component’ - docs.thunkable.com/sound#set-sound-source , and then try again.


Now i’ve tried to follow the tutorial but it doesn’t work. I’ve also copied the web radio URL of the source in the “design” part of Sound 1.


Try adding the play block into the ‘sound source loaded’ event block.


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Done! And now, in Live Test i hear the radio opening the app, but on the phone i still do not hear nothing… maybe the problem is not in the blocks?

Thank you for your support!!


@kartik14 Hi I’m trying exactly the same with this url http://us4.internet-radio.com:8258/;stream and it doesn’t work any thoughts? I’d really appreciate it if for a project… thanks!