H:mm:ss - h:mm:ss = h:mm?

Hi all,

I have determined the elapsed time between 2 timestamps in a local db, tag 1 & tag 2 (seen in pic below). This should equal 00.01.15

I used the blocks below and get an elapsed time of 00.01. This excludes the seconds and has formatted it in h:mm rather than h:mm:ss.
How can i get it to include the seconds in the elapsed time??

Thank you


A time of 21.52.22 is not valid, and as far as I know Thunkable does not store time as hh:mm:ss from a variable or a table.

I would suggest that you have to store your time in the database as seconds only. You can do the elapsed time duration and then convert it to hours, minutes and seconds.

You left out a key detail which is how you’re storing the timestamps. If you’re using the seconds since 1970 block, then it will return a value in hundredths of a second such as 5.63 which is 5 seconds and 63/100 seconds.

If you subtract two such values, you should get a number with a hundredths value.

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