How to upload looped app variable to a cloud variable object

I’ve searched and searched and can’t find an answer to this question…

Here’s my blocks, it works ok with a few items in the lists, but as you can imagine a few iterations in and it really adds up.

How can I compile this entire thing as an app or stored variable, and then upload that entire compilation as a cloud variable in one big chunk to save time?

Thanks Thunkers

Did you try to save as a JSON object? Using JSON structure you can save all the data in a single variable… of course you will need to implement a saving / reading process to compose / decompose the data…

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Hey thanks for that suggestion, no I hadn’t tried that at the time.
What would that look like as far as the block structure?

You need to use the “make list from text” + “get object from JSON” blocks to read data.

And “create object” + “generate JSON from object” blocks to write data.

Please check the documentation: Objects - Thunkable Docs