How to send Push Notification To Specific User At a particular time

Hi everyone. I had a small doubt. I was trying to send a notification to a specific user at a particular time. I read a few other posts and understood how to send the notification to one user , but couldn’t understand how to incorporate time into it. When I read the onesignal docs , it says that I should use the send_after parameter. I tried to do that and succeeded with the date but couldn’t figure out how to add the time. For example -

2015-09-24 14:00:00 GMT-0700

is the time format i am using. Here I understood till the part 24 , but after that was having some difficulty.
it is written 14:00:00 GMT-0700. As per the docs , they say that the default time zone taken is utc but here both these times are different though UTC and GMT are same. So if anyone could explain this to me and tell how I can add time of any country , it would be highly appreciated

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You have to convert your time to GMT. In your case your time to use with send_after would be 21:00:00 or 07:00:00, whichever gives you your time in GMT.

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So how exactly would i write it.
21:00:00 Gmt-???

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OneSignal uses Unix timestamp which is only in GMT. So whatever time you want to activate the notification, enter it in GMT without the letters GMT, just the time.

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so , maybe like 2015-09-24 14:00:00
So that extra GMT-0700 is not required?

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Yes. This is correct.

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Thank you so much @muneer

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