Hi there,
Have you any screen that’s it may make your application lag? Now I teach you a simple way to reduce many screen.
Step 1 : Drag a Row there, set it to 150 height ( it’s up to you )
Step 2 : Set the radii-top and bottom to 30 (Recommend )
Step 3 : Set the screen vertical to bottom ( if you have components inside, that you don’t need to do it )
PS:If your row is so many content. It is possible to set it scrollable,hope this tutorial will help you
This looks interesting! Is this meant to reduce the number of screens a user has in their app?
Exactly, because so many screen is so messy and very lag.
So instead of having Screen1 with some components, and Screen2 with some components, I can show all of these components on one screen that has been split into two parts? Thats great!
Yes, so I mentioned to request something like that screen animation before
Eventually, The row is for example the post. You don’t want to create a screen to write detail. You can use this way.
I don’t understand this, sorry, can you try to better explain please?
Would you mind I give you a sample that’s you can copy to do it into your app?
Sure, something that I can see to understand what you mean
Here you are! https://x.thunkable.com/projects/5d0b65fed0574e38e6495168/1948278f-a7f6-4dce-83c2-e4891333f840/designer
Enjoy ~~
Also, you can drag a button and when clicked it to visible the row , that it will be more User Interface
You mean to create some kind of bottom drawer?
You can call it, this design is the most popular that ever seen.
I used a similar design in my app but I can’t make the button round only on one side on android, it works on iphone but not on android
Can you take a screenshot? thanks.,
Hi there,
On android,you need to set the button’s radii top-right and bottom-right to be 30.This method is no longer related to iPhone to get the bad design.
I DID change the different radii, as you can see, it works on iphone, but not on android, so I don’t understand what you are saying
Can you send me this project link that I try to solve whether possible. Thanks
Thank you I appreciate your help offer, but It’s a pretty complicate app and I would like to keep it secret until it’s ready.
You can still help me by creating a row that contains a label and a button with half corners rounded since that’s the part of the app I’m having problems now (and not only).
Oh, and btw, I’d be really grateful if you would help on this