How to play mp3 from Airtable

Sure! Could you give me a few minutes? I’m on my tablet and somebody’s currently using the computer.

For those playing along at home I figured it out…

Screen Shot 2021-06-19 at 6.12.53 pm

Uploaded the mp3s directly into Airtable
Screen Shot 2021-06-19 at 6.13.13 pm

Thanks @codeswept for your help!

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That’s cool! Glad you figured it out

Basically if you upload an image directly to airtable without getting the link so that multiple users can acces that image, then only the user that uploaded the image will be able to see it.
But if you get its Cloudinary link, then itll be visible to all.

No, actually, if you upload an image to airtable everybody who has access to that airtable/ users of the app will be able to see the image.

but that’s only if the image is uploaded to cloudinary and its link is stored, right?

No, not necessarily.
If the column you upload the image to is an is under Attachments, then you don’t need to upload your images to cloudinary.

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Wow, okay, this is a very new set of information.

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hey, did anyone figured out how to preload the files for offline use?

Thank you very much

Hey Sasch

If you are calling files from Airtable, you will need to have internet connection for the app to work.

Another way is to upload files as an Asset in Thunkable. You don’t need an internet connection for the app to work if you do it that way. There is a 50mb limit for files stored within the app.

Good luck!

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Hi friend, i can’t figure out why i cant play music directly from airtable attachments?

This is an old post. I would recommending starting a new post with your exact issue :grinning:

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You have asked this question on the Kodular forum here. Why are you now spamming this forum?

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