I want users to be able to upload/take photos, after they submit there photos I want them to redirect to a page were they have options about what to do with the photo.
So the photo should be pasted in the next page and then there will be buttons for them to choose what to do. I managed to send them to the what to do page, however the photo stays behind.
Can someone advice me on how I can achieve this, I’ve uploaded a photo to give you more context.
The green blocks in Thunkable contain values. Those values can be saved in variables. So to save the value of the photo that was taken, set a variable to [photo or video]. Then, use that same variable on another screen when you want to use the photo again.
Yes but you used a variable as the variable name which will cause problems. Instead of using the set app variable " " block, look for the set app variable Photos block at the top of the Variables drawer. Avoid using the set app variable " " block.