Hi there,
Here is BlueWhaleYT.The update alert is important to tell the user did they get a latest version or not.Therefore,I’m going to teach you guys how to make a easy update alert.
Follow these instructions
Step 1 : Drag a label into your app,set the user current app version and set it to white/transparent colour.
Step 2 : Drag a alert and set the text
Step 3 : Prepare the airtable spreadsheet and set
their properties.
Step 4 : Set the new version number.
Step 5 : Drag a airtable spreadsheet and fill in its properties yourself.(I am not show to you
Step 6 : Create an app variable to set the current version number.
Step 7

Remix link here : Thunkable
In step 7.You can
If app number not = value
and you can skip the Step 1
You can add Push Notification by OneSignal when Screen1 open if your app isn’t the latest version.
If you have published your app in the playstore,you can set the OK button to link your app update link.
I always struggle a lot for informing my users for doing an update! 
How about redirecting the user to your app on playstore when they click OK?
This will make the user easily find our app & he just needs to click a btn "Update"
rather than going to playstore, finding app, etc 
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So just create two button for the alert
Example : Update and Close
if app version ≠ value
in Alert call show with output
then do if was confirmed
open link “#” (# means the URL which is published app link)
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I haven’t understand the step 3 and 4 please tell me what is it
well basically it is for checking for updates so that if you launch a new update also update the airtable database