How to make posts show up based on user data ? (Recipe app)

Hi! I am making a recipe app where users can add their ingredients and can get recipes based on those ingredients that they already have (recipes can be posted by others). I was wondering how I should code this. I found some tutorials on how to make posting in your app on Thunkable but I didn’t know how to make it so that the recipes that show up use ingredients that you have. I apologise if this doesn’t make sense, you can ask me questions. A response within a few days would be very helpful but it’s alright if not.
Here is the link to my app currently. (Sorry if I shared it wrong)
Thank you so much, any help is greatly appreciated! :slight_smile:

You will have to use a database to store the users - ingredient information. I would have 3 tables - users, ingredients and recipes.

So you know what recipes need which ingredients and which user has those ingredients.

This is a very superficial view but hopefully enough to get you started.

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