¿How to make a multiplayer game?

I want to make an online chess game and for that I need to know how I can put another player in the same game

I need the player to be assigned a random opponent when pressing the search for a game button.

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Multiplayer games are complicated so there’s not a simple answer to your questions.

I’ve tried making a multiplayer game using Firebase to store data and listeners to check to see which player’s turn it is. This is similar to how a chat app might work. I don’t know of any multiplayer tutorials for Thunkable but you could Google that or just start with a chat tutorial because that will probably be similar. For that, Google chat Thunkable firebase.

If you get stuck and need help, focus on a specific problem/question and be sure to include screenshots, project link, and relevant details.

See this: How to ask Great Questions v2.0

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Ive also used firebase for multiplayer card games and its definitely a challenge. I would think chess might actually be a little easier although you would have to define every rule so a play that wasn’t allowed would be blocked. You would also need to think about how youre going to match players based on skill, you wouldnt put someone like me who knows very little about the game against a GM so that needs to be thought out first. Figure out design and get your rules together and that will help you decide where to begin.

This API looks promising for validating possible moves: GitHub - zenkay/py-chess-api: Super simple API for Chess game