How to make a dropdown field?

I want to use a dropdown field in thunkable.
Hope somebody can help me how I can use a dropdown field.
I cannot find it on the left in the designer.
kindly regards

Hi here are solution who can help you
The dropdown module is not yet available on thunkable x, but you can still make one.


change this to just solution

Here is an alternative drop down list New Re-Sizeable Spinner and Radio Buttons


@drted I was thinking that the new drag and drop interface might allow for an improved dropdown field because we can layer components. But without a clone/create block, I’m not sure that’s possible. Maybe by showing/hiding labels or buttons?

@drted I was also thinking there might be a way to do this in the Canvas, like this:

As of now, the menu just appears – you can’t click/select anything.

Note that it’s a drag and drop project.

I can get the list to appear, but I can’t seem to select any of the options… :frowning:

@drted Sorry! I should have provided more context. I was just doing a really quick proof of concept to make the menu choices appear and disappear. I’m realizing with the canvas, it’s not so simple to determine which label was clicked. I was hoping there would be an Any Component block I could use for that but it doesn’t seem to exist in drag and drop mode.

And the canvas doesn’t provide x,y coordinates for labels, only for sprites. And sprites can’t have dynamic text values. Aaaargh… so many things that could be improved. The canvas has a surprising amount of power but it’s tied up by lack of universal functionality.

Gotcha, sorry I misunderstood. It is an intriguing idea